10 ⭐️ During one of the darkest times in my family’s lives we had to plan my brothers burial. Crushed, devastated and heartbroken we sat down with Anna. Thinking the worst and it being a business out to make a buck we were in Awe of Anna’s genuine concern and kindness. Her heart was so kind and compassionate. The “business was second on her list”. There was no rush, no selling us things we didn’t need, she offered all options explaining each one in detail allowing us to make reasonable choices. My Dad 85 and frail, she took by the arm after visiting the site and took him in out of the cold. The next day, I stopped to make the payment sliding the check to her and she slid it back saying “before we do that, I want to know how you are doing. How are your parents holding up. I wanted to cry I was so touched by her kindness. Words can not express how wonderful she was. We continued to talk for an hour about my brother and family. Everything happened exactly as she explained. The day of, she greeted us with kindness and compassion and genuine heartfelt concern. She was an angel to say the least. She is exactly where she is meant to be. I wish in the ugliness of today’s world there were many more Anna’s. Being a service manger I’ve always been touched by a poem written by Mya Angelo: They won’t remember what they said, they won’t remember what they did but they will always remember how they made you feel. Truer words were never spoken where Anna is concerned. Our heartfelt thanks for making a horrible time in our lives just a little better. ❤️. David A. Douglas
David D. October 27, 2018
Trinity treated me and my family with so much care. Anna was such a pleasure to deal with. She checked-up on my Step Dad, sister and I to make sure we were doing ok and to reassure us she was praying for us. I strongly recommend their services.
Quianna J. December 19, 2018
I have both my parents buried there and and a third plot for my brother as well. I just recently have dealt with Anna Gilliam for my father's burial as well as the pre-planning for my brother and she was wonderful. Couldn't have asked for more information and compassion from her.
Debbie B. August 19, 2017
My whole family is buried here. We never had one problem and very well kept! I visit their graves quite often and never have I had a complaint.
Lacy N. April 12, 2017
Lovely place, excellent staff. I am very happy my loved ones are being taken care of.
Sean B. January 18, 2019
My sister passed away suddenly on December 30. She did not have any plans for this time of the end of her life. When I had to make plans at the cemetery, my counselor was Kea Green - she was so wonderful. She walked me through all the steps and was so compassionate about what I was going through. The day of the burial she was also there for me and my family. I want to thank Kea for all she did for me and my family. God Bless!
Carolyn M. February 29, 2020
Had to find a location of a close family friend, and thanks to Anna Gilliam I was able to find the right section in under 10 minutes. The employees [here] are incredible; they care for you and your needs.
Michael R. February 09, 2018
I would like to say Thank you to ANN GILLIAM - what a wonderful, CARING LADY. She made the hardest thing I ever had to do very pleasant in a weird way. I had to bury my my baby girl; she was not a baby but she was my baby. WE NEED MORE PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD Like "ANNA GILLIAM". She was wonderful, very caring and professional. She even called me to check and see how I was holding up and if I needed anything. I know my daughter Alexis N. Thomas is in great hands....Thank you again, Anna Gilliam. You are a great asset.
Lydia O. August 24, 2017
Trinity treated me and my family with so much care. Anna was such a pleasure to deal with. She checked up on my sister and I to make sure we were doing ok and to reassure us she was praying for us. I strongly recommend their services.
Chandra J. December 19, 2018
We have 2 family members in the mausoleum and worked with Anna Gilliam on purchasing another niche. She is very knowledgeable and professional when it comes to planning for your loved ones last resting place.
Donna L. December 13, 2018
Location is super convenient and the staff are super amazing!
Emilie R. January 18, 2019
Anna Gilliam was so helpful to my father in a recent complicated matter. Her professional and diligent attention in following up to the completion of the business is greatly appreciated by my father.
Margaret B. March 27, 2018
Trinity Memorial Gardens Cemetery did an amazing job with my mother's burial. Anna Braden made my family and I feel welcomed and well cherished through her unique practices and mannerisms. Special thanks from the Hart family.
Jeremiah H. January 20, 2020
Beautiful, peaceful place. Wonderful and caring staff who will see to all your needs with the greatest of comfort.
Gail S. December 16, 2018